Rationale: Currently Hood Theological Seminary provides a concentration in Christian Education within the Master of Divinity Program. However, this new degree program is designed to further undergird persons whose primary responsibility is within educational ministry. This degree is designed to provide sufficient nurture and educational opportunities to further enhance faith development/spiritual formation and increase the value of Christian education as ministry. This is necessary due to the pressing need for educational opportunities and resources to sufficiently prepare those who serve within educational ministry.
Objective: The Master in Christian Education (MACE) is designed to prepare persons for leadership in Christian Education on denominational, judicatory, regional, ecumenical, or congregational levels and other arenas requiring such expertise. As the Body of Christ, we are called to provide nurture to persons who are followers in the Way. This program will prepare persons for leadership positions and enhance their ability to serve as effective teachers.
This degree program’s objectives are designed:
- To provide students with a basic understanding of Christian education as ministry.
- To explore the wide range of content under the banner of Christian Education by being intentional in going beyond content-based curriculum to engagement that promotes social advocacy and impactful outreach to the communities served.
- To introduce and prepare students to be able to use various methodologies and strategies necessary for effective teaching that facilitates learning for all ages.
- To provide opportunities for students to experience and demonstrate various educational practices aimed at transformative change.
- To promote Christian education as a significant component of the church’s ministry and mission rather than as a sidebar auxiliary.
- To intentionally guide students in the task of connecting worship, education and collaborative outreach generating societal impact.
- To explore the impact of neuroscience on teaching and learning and develop skills needed to maximize learning and application.
Expected Outcomes:
- To possess a biblical, historical, educational, and theological foundation to execute a diverse ministry directed under the umbrella of Christian Education.
- To understand the impact of neuroscience on education and be able to use a variety of teaching/learning styles for maximum effectiveness.
- To analyze ministry settings to access educational needs and be able to design ministries and/or curriculum to meet those specific needs.
- To be knowledgeable of current research and trends occurring in Christian Education, especially that which is reported by the Religious Education Association and denominational arms of Christian Education.
Requirements: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Course Requirements: 51 credit hours
Required Courses (24 hours)
BST 103 Introduction to Old Testament I (3 hours)
BST 112 Introduction to New Testament I (3 hours)
CHT 115 History of Christianity in the Global Context (3 hours)
TSE 110 Systematic Theology I (3 hours)
PTH 120 Foundations and Principles of Christian Education (3 hours)
PTH 122 Teaching and Learning in Educational Ministry (3 hours)
PTH 225 Curriculum Development in Christian Education (3 hours)
PTH 3XX: Capstone Christian Education Seminar (3 hours)
- Description: In this course students will develop and complete final semester-long Christian Education projects in topics, areas, or subjects of their choosing. Students will submit their project proposals to the course instructor at the beginning of the semester for approval. This course is required for students in the MACE program, who normally take it in their final semester.
Elective Courses in Christian Education (15 credit hours)
PHT 220 Practices for Faith Formation (3 hours)
PHT 221 Christian Education in the African American Church (3 hours)
PHT 222 The Arts in Christian Education (2-3 hours)
PHT 223 Christian Symbolism as a Faith Nurturing Tool
PHT 300 Educational Ministry among Children (2-3 hours)
PHT 301 Educational Ministry among Youth (2-3 hours)
PHT 302 Educational Ministry among Adults (3 hours)
PHT 303 Educational Ministry among Seniors (3 hours)
PTH 310 Seminar in Christian Education (2-3 hours)
PHT 315 Directed Study in Christian Education (2-3 hours)
Other Courses (12 hours – choose 4 courses from list below)
CHT 200: History of Religion in the US (3 hours)
TSE 111 Systematic Theology II (3 hours)
TSE 120 Christian Ethics (3 hours)
PTH 103: Worship and Preaching I (3 hours)
PTH 141 Pastoral Care and Counseling (3 hours)
BST 104 Introduction to Old Testament ll
BST 113 Introduction to New Testament ll
Application deadlines
$30 non-refundable application fee (due no later than July 1 for fall semester or December 1 for spring semester made payable to Hood Theological Seminary).
Applications for Financial Assistance must be completed and submitted to the Financial Aid Office. Contact Angela Davis-Baxter, Director of Financial Aid &Title IX Coordinator:
adavisbaxter@hoodseminary.edu 704-636-6023.
(Please click links for financial aid information):
Application Requirements
- Prior Education: Official transcripts from all previous undergraduate and graduate institutions must be submitted to the Admission’s Office reflecting a 2.5 GPA or higher. A bachelor’s degree (or its educational equivalent) at a high level of achievement from an accredited institution is a prerequisite for admissions.
- Statement of Purpose: The applicant will write a 4-to-5-page paper (double-spaced).
- References: Two letters of recommendation.