Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) administers the affairs of the student body in consultation with the Dean of Students. Duly elected officers of the SGA, as stipulated by its constitution, together with representatives from each class, comprise the governing body of the SGA. Every student in the Master Program is a member of the Student Government Association (SGA).

Congratulations to those elected to serve for the 2024-2025 academic year:

Representation on Faculty Committees - Student representatives are included on several faculty committees. These persons are appointed by the SGA President. In addition, the SGA President (or a student representative) attends the monthly plenary Faculty Meetings of the Seminary with voice but without vote.

Recycling - Responsible stewardship of God’s creation is the calling of all Christians. The Hood community is aware that it needs to do its part to care for God’s earth and live out its Christian discipleship accordingly. The SGA has developed a recycling program on campus for paper, aluminum, and plastic. It also encourages minimizing waste on campus. Students who desire to participate on a recycling committee, may contact a member of the SGA executive board or send an e-mail to

Christian Educators Fellowship (CEF) - The Hood Seminary Chapter of Christian Educators Fellowship seeks to promote an interdenominational sharing and networking among Christian educators. The Chapter promotes the appreciation of Christian Education as a vital part of the total ministry of the body of Christ in the Hood Seminary Community and beyond. Membership is open to any student or alumni of Hood in any academic program in either Track. The Chapter meets (4) times each year in September, November, February, and April. The Chapter’s Advisor is Dr. Mary Love, Adjunct Professor of Christian Education. For more information on the national chapter of CEF, visit

Hood Gear is available on line!
Check out this great site with our custom logo apparel, brought to you by the Student Government Association.