Tom Mabry

Director of Global Methodist Studies


  • Spiritual Formation
  • Leadership
  • Change Management


  • B.A. Catawba College, Salisbury, NC, 1990
  • M.Div. Hood Theological Seminary, Salisbury, NC, 2005
  • D.Min. Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY, 2015

Tom is an ordained elder in the North Carolina Conference of The Global Methodist Church. He serves as the senior pastor at Shady Grove Global Methodist Church in Winston Salem, NC. Beyond the local church, Tom serves as the chair of the conference leadership team of the NC Conference of the Global Methodist Church. He also taught Christian leadership to business and church leaders in Ghana, West Africa, and participates in medical mission trips to the Dominican Republic. Tom is married to the former Adele Van Zandt from Fayetteville, NC. They have four grown children and ten grandchildren.


Global Methodism
