Homeiletics and Preaching

Preaching is a powerful catalyst for positive change in the church, as it communicates God's truth and inspires congregants to apply biblical principles in their lives. Effective sermons can challenge individuals to reflect on their beliefs, cultivate compassion, and motivate action within the community. Through preaching, the church addresses relevant social issues, offering guidance and hope that fosters personal and collective transformation. Additionally, engaging preaching strengthens faith, builds unity among members, and equips the congregation to live out their mission, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and impactful church presence in the world. Unique Characteristics of the Homiletics and Preaching Specialization include:

  • Provides theological educational opportunities for those who seek to communicate God’s Holy Word. Aims to sharpen and deepen the skills of the student in the area of interpreting and preaching God’s Word in the twenty-first century.
  • Focuses on enhancing one’s developmental capacities and sharpening professional identity within a specialized context of a preaching ministry.
  • Intentionally ensures that each student has a faculty advisor and/or a project mentor who possess advanced graduate level training and/or professional credential in the area of homiletics/preaching.